Current Issue

In this issue, we have collated the case studies submitted to the journal, recognising that many of our readers may be looking at these case studies before or while undertaking similar studies on interventions in their own school. We hope that these examples are useful and interesting, showing how others have approached the same topic in ways that may be similar and yet different.
Welcome to the SUNRAE e-journal
The Sunderland Reflective Action in Education initiative is run by the International Teacher Education team at the University of Sunderland, UK. On the main SUNRAE website you can explore various ways we encourage engagement with research: through our podcast, conference, blogs etc. Our e-journal is one exciting aspect of our work, where we publish editorials, conference proceedings, reports, case studies and action research undertaken by those involved in our international teacher education programmes. See the call for papers for further details.
Feel free to explore all that SUNRAE has to offer!
Sir Tom Cowie campus at St. Peter's - home of the Faculty of Education and Society International Teacher Education Team